Excerpt From--
How to Discipline Children the Islamic Way
By Grandma Jeddah
book is for Muslim parents who are concerned about raising their children up as
good Muslims. It was written for these parents, but its intent is not to
present what they should teach their children. The purpose of this book
is to offer parents an awareness of the manner in which they should guide
their children toward virtuous lifestyles. It’s for those parents who want to
guide their children to what’s right but also want to direct in ways that have
been encouraged in our religion. These parents wish to avoid instructing in
ways that are contrary to our religion.
Many Muslim parents today (converts as well as
those born into Islam) discipline their children according to their family’s
cultural traditions rather than Islamic culture. Some of these traditional methods
may be appropriate Islamically--others may not. Muslims are generally fervent in wanting
their children to grow up as obedient and God fearing Muslims. Sometimes this
passion can lead to excesses and even transgressions when disciplining. One of
the most common present day customary methods of training children is the use
of corporal punishment.
or no Resources
I first became Muslim, I was one of those parents who used physical discipline
on a regular basis. I had only my family background to use as a reference point
when raising my children.
There were no English Islamic books written at the time which provided
New Muslim parents with Islamically based methods of child discipline . . . at
least none that I knew of.
when I observed those around me, I noticed that some Muslim parents found little
hesitation in slapping their children in the face. Calling children derogatory
names wasn’t off the list either. So as a new Muslim convert, to me, my methods
of disciplining my children seemed normal and not contrary to Islam.
Alhamdullilah, presently, a host of Islamic books, articles,
lectures, aswell as websites and blogs offer Muslim parents guidance as to how
we as Muslims should direct our children toward proper behavior. These
teachings explain that the Quran and our Prophet Muhammad (saw) discouraged
harsh discipline, hitting in the face, and the use of disparaging remarks when
correcting children.
Things have changed greatly, by the Mercy of Allah, from those
decades eons ago when I began raising my family. There is an abundance of parenting
information on the negative effectives of being excessively harsh when
disciplining our children from both Islamic as well as secular sources.
This book, How to
Discipline Children the Islamic Way introduces parents to some of the Islamic references that suggest the
manner in which we should instruct our children. It raises parents’
awareness to the possibility that many of the methods they may be using to manage
their child’s behavior may be a result of cultural habit, rather than religious
instruction. There are many examples from the Prophet’s (saw) manner of
correcting that guide us to the conclusion that when disciplining our children,
we should be patient, kind and gentle.
I’m sure many of you are thinking about the hadith that mentions
hitting your children at 10 if they don’t pray.
Don’t worry— we will discuss that later in the book, Insha’Allah. Many parents
might also be wondering—how do you raise a child without hitting him. That is
somewhat beyond the scope of this book. However, suffice it to say there are loads
of ways to correct children without hitting and shouting at them. You can find
over 25 ways to discipline your child without hitting or shouting in my e-book Discipline
without Disrespecting:; Discover the Hidden Secrets of How to Effectively
Discipline Your Muslim Child—And Keep Your Peace of Mind while at It. www.grandmajeddah.com
May Allah bless us all to use teaching methods that are most
pleasing to Him, when raising our children to be good Muslims.
Grandma Jeddah is the mother of 11 children and 13 grandchildren. She has taught hundreds of students for over 30 years at an Islamic school in Los Angeles, California.She is the author of, Discipline without Disrespecting: Discover the Hidden Secrets of How to Effectively Discipline Your Muslim Child--And Keep Your Peace of Mind while at It. Order her e-books at: http://www.grandmajeddah.com/