Monday, May 30, 2022

Great Tips on Managing Tantrums (By: Grandma Jeddah)

Great Tips on Managing Tantrums

Please click here

Grandma Jeddah is the mother of 11 children and 16 grandchildren. She has taught hundreds of students for over 30 years at an Islamic school in Los Angeles, California. She has written dozens of articles for Muslim magazines, newspapers and blogs.  She is the author of, Discipline without Disrespecting: Discover the Hidden Secrets of How to Effectively Discipline Your Muslim Child--And Keep Your Peace of Mind while at It.  Order her e-books at:

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Adopting Orphans: A Noble Endeavor By Grandma Jeddah

Rose Ali                                                                                  Words:  Approx. 900
1636 S. St. Andrews Pl. #4
Los Angeles, CA, 90019
(323) 900-9837

Adopting Orphans: A Noble Endeavor
Grandma Jeddah
Do you know anyone who was adopted or raised in a home other than his biological parents? Sure you do . . . three of them are mentioned in the Quran—Prophet Musa (as), Prophet Yusuf (as), and Prophet Muhammad (saw). Prophet Muhammad (saw) and Prophet Musa (as) were orphans, while Prophet Yusuf (as) was abandoned. Evidence shows that adoptions have taken place since early historical times. The need for others to support and maintain children not born of their loin or womb existed thousands upon thousands of years ago and still exists today.

In the West, during the early 1900’s, one of the primary ways in which adoption was practiced was as a solution for mothers who had become pregnant out of wedlock, similar to how abortions are primarily used today.

Because societal regulations during that period sought to protect birth parents and adopted children from the stigma related to an unmarried mother having a child, adoption was and still remains today, a taboo subject, often shrouded in secrecy and shame. Allah, however, presents a different perspective regarding orphans and adoption. He bestows upon adopted orphans honor, dignity and justice, and demands that others do so, likewise. Allah says in Quran: Those who swallow the property of the orphans unjustly are actually devouring fire into their bellies and they shall enter the burning fire.”(Quran 33:4-5)

(to be continued, insha'Allah)

Grandma Jeddah is the mother of 11 children and 16 grandchildren. She has taught hundreds of students for over 30 years at an Islamic school in Los Angeles, California. She has written dozens of articles for Muslim magazines, newspapers and blogs.  She is the author of, Discipline without Disrespecting: Discover the Hidden Secrets of How to Effectively Discipline Your Muslim Child--And Keep Your Peace of Mind while at It.  Order her e-books at:

Thursday, May 19, 2022

How to make 1-on-1- time with 3 kids (By Grandma Jeddah)

.  How to make 1-on-1- time with 3 kids

Excerpt from-- 

Discipline Pearls

For Your Most
Challenging Discipline Problems

I have 3 boys, and I’m homeschooling them, so I’m finding it hard to give them 1-on-1 time. How do I find time to give each one the personal time he needs?

May Allah reward you for seeking ways to spend more personal time with your sons. Spending quality as well as quantity time with your children is important for their proper development.

Take comfort in knowing that by homeschooling your boys, you give them 1-on-1 attention, even if you don’t realize it. When teaching your soon to be 6-year-old how to write his letters, much of the practice involves your holding and guiding his hand, close-up contact with him, and continuous verbal direction and reinforcement. The same goes for when you’re helping your 3-year-old put his puzzles together. Even though you may be teaching them at the same time and nursing the littlest one, they are still getting personal attention from you.

Pat yourself on the back that you have chosen homeschooling as a method of teaching your sons. It is an educational method that allows them to have frequent contact and interaction with you. These crucial developmental years cannot be replaced once your sons have aged beyond them. And you are providing your kids with optimum attention from you as they move through this growth period.

The following suggestions are probably more closely related to what you are seeking in your question. One way of spending more 1-on-1 time with individual children is by making dates with them. Once a week you can schedule an outing with each child. Have Dad watch the other two while you go on a 30 to 45 minute outing with one of the boys. It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate. How about a visit to the park to play on the swings and slide for a few minutes? You can take a trip to the market with one of your sons to pick up some items for dinner. Be sure to let him pick out something special for himself and the other two siblings back at home. He’ll feel important for doing it. A walk around the corner can add up to 1-on-1 time together, as well.

The thing to remember with whatever outing you choose is to conversate with your child on the way to and back from your excursions. Talk about him, you, Allah, what you see on the way, whatever comes to your mind. Use that as a time to answer all of his back-to-back questions, with no frustration in your tone, only concern for your time together.

You can also use periods of activity at home to your advantage. During bath time, use those 5 to 10 minutes to smile, laugh, joke and play with one child at a time. Splash the water; let him feel with his fingers the extremes between warm and cold water; let the warm water rush down his back. Talk to him about which story he wants you to read to him after he’s slipped on his pajamas. Use your imagination for conversation and interaction ideas.

How about when you’re washing dishes? Let them take turns each day sitting on the counter to talk with you while you wash. What about when you’re baking a cake? Let one stir while the other counts to 10, then exchange their positions.

Play with them in turn. Play pony back ride. Get on your knees and ride each one to the other end of the room and back. Then let another child have a turn.

During story time at bedtime, have your kids take turns sitting on your lap for their story to be read. Or if only one story is read per night, let them take turns each night sitting on your lap.
Spending one-on-one needn’t amount to large blocks of time. Short spurts of 1-on-1 attention can be productive, as well.

I wouldn’t be too concerned about neglecting to give your sons 1-on-1 attention. The fact that you’re homeschooling them as well as seeking out ways to become a better parent show you’re doing a great job at trying to fulfill your sons’ needs, and Allahu Alim.

May Allah bless you to raise all your children up as good Muslims and bless your children to be blessings for you and your family in this world and the hereafter. 

Grandma Jeddah is the mother of 11 children and 13 grandchildren. She has taught hundreds of students for over 30 years at an Islamic school in Los Angeles, California.She is the author of, Discipline without Disrespecting: Discover the Hidden Secrets of How to Effectively Discipline Your Muslim Child--And Keep Your Peace of Mind while at It.  Order her e-book or Subscribe to her free newsletter at --  and

Sunday, May 1, 2022

The Tragedy of Woman's Emancipation (1906 American Article)

The Tragedy of Woman's Emancipation

By Emma Goldman

Excerpt, altered article from 1906 American book
What has woman achieved through her emancipation? Emancipation has brought woman economic equality with man; that is, she can choose her own profession and trade, but as her past and present physical training have not equipped her with the necessary strength to compete with man, she is often compelled to exhaust all her energy, use up her vitality and strain every nerve in order to reach the market value. Very few ever succeed, for it is a fact that women doctors, lawyers, architects and engineers are neither met with the same confidence, nor do they receive the same remuneration. And those that do reach that enticing equality generally do so at the expense of their physical and psychological well-being.
How much independence is gained if the narrowness and lack of freedom of the home is exchanged for the narrowness and lack of freedom of the workforce?
The narrowness of the existing conception of woman's independence and emancipation is evident in her dread of love for a man who is not her social equal; her fear that love will rob her of her freedom and independence; and her horror that love or the joy of motherhood will only hinder her in the full exercise of her profession.
As long as woman was the “slave” of her husband, she could not be productive, but now that she is “free” and independent she will prove how good she can be and how her influence will have a significant effect on all institutions in society.
For over a hundred years, the old form of marriage based on the Bible has been denounced as an institution that stands for the sovereignty of the man over the woman, of her complete submission to his whims and commands and the absolute dependence upon his name and support. And yet we find many emancipated women who prefer marriage with all its deficiencies to unmarried life; 

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