Thursday, May 30, 2019

A Ramadan of Patience for Parents (By: Grandma Jeddah)

A Ramadan of Patience for Parents

Looking for ways to become a better parent this Ramadan?  Well, if you have one of those older kids who looks for trouble wherever she goes . . . and if she can’t find it, she’ll make her own . . . why not work on becoming more patient with your challenging child this Ramadan.

Read the entire article:

Grandma Jeddah is a teacher of over 35 years and the founder of MuslimSchoolBooks, a kindergarten through 6th grade educational publishing company developed to help our youth feel good about being Muslim.  She publishes reading textbooks that have no images, no fantasy, no magic, and no immorality. All reading content reflects Islamic values, culture, and perspectives. Learn more at www.MuslimSchoolBooks.

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