Friday, July 22, 2011

A Reminder is Good for Your Teen By: Grandma Jeddah

When you have your teen’s undivided attention in the car, waiting room or even at home, talk to your teenager or young adult.  If you’re looking at a show on TV or listening to a radio program and a sports celebrity gets arrested for drunk driving or possession of drugs, explain to your child how Islam views these acts.  When your daughter hears about the popular actress who just split up with her latest partner, use this as an opportunity to explain or remind her of the Islamic perspective regarding this type of relationship. They might feign boredom, but they’ll digest the information, nevertheless.    Let her know that illicit sex can lead to a host of problems and explain in detail.  Use ayats from Quran and hadith to let her know how serious Allah considers these behaviors.
This is an excerpt from Grandma Jeddah’s e-Book: Discipline without Disrespecting: Discover the Hidden Secrets of How to Effectively Discipline Your Muslim Child—And Keep Your Peace of Mind While at It.  To order her e-Book or receive her free newsletter, visit her at

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