- Posts: 2008
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Recently I received some kind of leaflet on the street from someone who gave it out for free. Apparently it contains arguments that promotes Creation and Intelligent Design. It also calls for its teaching in schools which makes me realize that this is another effort of evangelists.
Anyway here are the arguments:
1) Natural Selection is not evidence of evolution.
2) Bacteria can only make bacteria and people can only make people. Changes can occur but within limits. If bacteria gets mutated it is still bacteria.
3) Variations of traits happen all the time within a species, but it is not an evidence of one kind of animal evolves into another kind of animal.
4) Saying changes take millions of years as evidence is blind faith because scientific answers are based on facts and observation, not faith in time.
5) Believing the Universe originated from nothing violates the 1st Law of Thermo which states that "All matter and energy is neither created nor destroyed."
6) Only 23% of the fossils of Lucy, the supposedly ape-like ancestor of human being, was dug out. Moreover, Lucy's fossils are similiar to Pygmy Chimpanzee who can walk upright and are still alive today.
7) Cell Theory and Law of Biogenesis state "Life only comes from life." Therefore the belief that life comes from non-life is against science itself.
8 ) Even Dinosaurs did not evolve because there are no transitional fossils of them ever found. They all appear in the fossil record as 100% dinosaur.
9) The Great Flood (Noah's Flood?) which once drowned the earth under water was the cause of the extinction of dinosaurs. The evidence is that their fossils are found buried in sedimentary rock (Rock deposited by water) on every continent in the world. Plus, fossils of sea life are also found on the top of the highest mountains such as Mt. Everest.
So what is everybody's take on the arguments above? Im ignorant myself regarding science, however Im very interested in the Great Flood Theory.

Recently I received some kind of leaflet on the street from someone who gave it out for free. Apparently it contains arguments that promotes Creation and Intelligent Design. It also calls for its teaching in schools which makes me realize that this is another effort of evangelists.
Anyway here are the arguments:
1) Natural Selection is not evidence of evolution.
2) Bacteria can only make bacteria and people can only make people. Changes can occur but within limits. If bacteria gets mutated it is still bacteria.
3) Variations of traits happen all the time within a species, but it is not an evidence of one kind of animal evolves into another kind of animal.
4) Saying changes take millions of years as evidence is blind faith because scientific answers are based on facts and observation, not faith in time.
5) Believing the Universe originated from nothing violates the 1st Law of Thermo which states that "All matter and energy is neither created nor destroyed."
6) Only 23% of the fossils of Lucy, the supposedly ape-like ancestor of human being, was dug out. Moreover, Lucy's fossils are similiar to Pygmy Chimpanzee who can walk upright and are still alive today.
7) Cell Theory and Law of Biogenesis state "Life only comes from life." Therefore the belief that life comes from non-life is against science itself.
8 ) Even Dinosaurs did not evolve because there are no transitional fossils of them ever found. They all appear in the fossil record as 100% dinosaur.
9) The Great Flood (Noah's Flood?) which once drowned the earth under water was the cause of the extinction of dinosaurs. The evidence is that their fossils are found buried in sedimentary rock (Rock deposited by water) on every continent in the world. Plus, fossils of sea life are also found on the top of the highest mountains such as Mt. Everest.
So what is everybody's take on the arguments above? Im ignorant myself regarding science, however Im very interested in the Great Flood Theory.
Retrieved From Discover True Islam Free-Minds
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