Monday, June 6, 2022

Improving Child Discipline is Improving Ourselves (By: Grandma Jeddah) Posted on IOU Blog

Improving Child Discipline is Improving Ourselves

By Grandma Jeddah. Posted on Islamic Online University Blog

Narrated Abu Musa (radiyallahu anhu): “Some people asked the ProphetSAWS “Whose Islam is the best? i.e. (who is a very good Muslim?” He replied, “One who avoids harming the Muslims with his tongue and hands. 1
As mothers, we are over our children.  We are responsible for raising them. And they are obligated to obey us unless we command them to do wrong. But how many times have we heard of the one who is in charge taking advantage of the one he is in charge of?
Read the entire article:

Grandma Jeddah is a teacher of over 35 years and the founder of MuslimSchoolBooks, a kindergarten through 6th grade educational publishing company developed to help our youth feel good about being Muslim.  She publishes reading textbooks that have no images, no fantasy, no magic, and no immorality. All reading content reflects Islamic values, culture, and perspectives. Learn more at www.MuslimSchoolBooks.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Is What your child reading harmful to her faith?

What is your child reading?

Sister Rasheedah Abdul Hakeem, certified reading specialist MS Ed, gives a few points to ponder regarding traditional children's stories.

  • Non-Islamic stories promote--
  • immorality
  • Shirk (Wizard of Oz, Cinderella)
  • Support of promiscuity (Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs)
  • Cannibalism (Hansel and Gretel)
  • Support of stealing (Goldilocks)
  • Sexual Molestation/Approaching Zina (Snow White, Sleeping Beauty)
  • Magic, Violence

Learn more about her reading book for young learners:
Islamic Sight Word Stories for Beginning Readers

Grandma Jeddah is an elementary-middle school teacher who has taught at an Islamic School in Los Angeles, California for over 35 years. She is the founder of MuslimSchoolBooks, a publishing company that produces Islamic oriented educational books and materials for Islamic Schools and homeschool families. Subscribe to her quarterly youth newsletter, Habibi Youth, at

The Importance of Respecting Your Child (By: Grandma Jeddah)

Respect Your Child

As Muslims, we have an engrained understanding that children should obey their parents. Allah tells us in Quran about being kind to our parents. The Prophet Muhammad  (saw) has instructed us to be especially kind to our mother. A child who is not respectful to his parents is certainly behaving in a way that is contrary to our religion.

But not only should children be obedient and kind to their parents, . . parents should also be kind to their children. The Prophet (saw) has said: "He is not of us who does not have mercy on young children, nor honor the elderly." (Tirmidhi)

When interacting with our children and even when correcting them, we should remember to be gentle and kind with them. People are more inclined to pleasing those they have a positive relationship with. Speaking in a calm, respectful tone to your child does not convey a sign of weakness. To the contrary, it let’s them know that you are indeed in control—not only of the situation but also your emotions. 

Grandma Jeddah is the mother of 11 children and 16 grandchildren. She has taught hundreds of students for over 30 years at an Islamic school in Los Angeles, California.She is the author of, Discipline without Disrespecting: Discover the Hidden Secrets of How to Effectively Discipline Your Muslim Child--And Keep Your Peace of Mind while at It.  Order her e-books at:

Raising Kids with Religion Protects Their Mental Health (Forbes)

Kids Raised with Relgion have Better Mental Health (Forbes)

A new study from Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health finds that kids and teens who are raised with religious or spiritual practices tend to have better health and mental health as they age.

Grandma Jeddah is an elementary-middle school teacher who has taught at an Islamic School in Los Angeles, California for over 35 years. She is the founder of MuslimSchoolBooks, a publishing company that produces Islamic oriented educational books and materials for Islamic Schools and homeschool families. Subscribe to her quarterly youth newsletter, Habibi Youth, at

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Parenting Isn't Over When They Enter College (By: Grandma Jeddah)

Parenting Isn't Over When They Enter CollegeBy: Grandma Jeddah

You sent your son to an Islamic School. Maybe you home schooled him. You wanted to make sure he received a strong Islamic foundation.  Now he's 18, and you're thinking about sending him to college. You might also be thinking-- Finally! Now I don't have to worry anymore about lessons and homework. He's on his own now.

Not so fast. We all want our children to excel and have an impressive education and career, but there are many things in college to be cautious and wary of when your child begins.

One particular aspect of college that you should be aware of is that some required areas of study teach atheism in a round-about way. When your child takes classes such as anthropology, philosophy, and humanities, be sure to read your child's books along with him or at least scan the table of contents, chapters, and headings. Also, review your child's test questions. This is an area in which instructors often push their own perspective, which may be anti-religious.

Learn why your child misbehaves and over 2 dozen tips on how to manage your child's behavior without hitting or shouting. Read Grandma Jeddah's e-book, Discipline without Disrespecting: Buy her e-book now at:

Calling Children Bad Names (By Grandma Jeddah)

Last Excerpt From-- 

How to Discipline Children the Islamic Way

By Grandma Jeddah

The Way The Prophet (saw) Interacted with Children

According to hadith, Anas Ibn Malik said, I served the Prophet (saw) for ten years, and he never hit me, insulted me or frowned in my face." (Muslim)
          This hadith is truly amazing. It’s amazing because children are children. Nature doesn’t change. Youngsters can be disruptive, forgetful, irresponsible and annoying at times. This hadith clearly tells us how patient the Prophet (saw) was with the young children around him. Not only did the Prophet (saw) avoid hitting according to this hadith, he also avoided using hurtful words.
Avoid name calling
According to hadith, the Prophet (saw) said “A Muslim is the one from whose hands and tongue other Muslims are safe.” (Tirmidhi) When disciplining your child, know that name calling and speaking abusively should be avoided. Allah says in Quran 49:11: O ye who believe! Let not some men among you laugh at others: It may be that the (latter) are better than the (former): Nor let some women laugh at others: It may be that the (latter are better than the (former): Nor defame nor be sarcastic to each other, nor call each other by (offensive) nicknames: Ill-seeming is a name connoting wickedness, (to be used of one) after he has believed: And those who do not desist are (indeed) doing wrong.

          Some parents make little of calling their children names such as stupid, dumb or crazy. They don’t consider it a serious offence or find it a need for concern. However, this ayat from Quran, lets us know in clear terms that calling our children hurtful words that humiliate them is wrong and should be avoided. So not only should we shun hitting, we should also ensure that we speak to our children respectfully. 

Order and read the entire book and view the entire video today, insha'Allah at:

Grandma Jeddah is the mother of 11 children and 13 grandchildren. She has taught hundreds of students for over 30 years at an Islamic school in Los Angeles, California.She is the author of, Discipline without Disrespecting: Discover the Hidden Secrets of How to Effectively Discipline Your Muslim Child--And Keep Your Peace of Mind while at It.  Order her e-books at:

Reasons Children Misbehave (By Grandma Jeddah)

Reasons Children Misbehave

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure—so true . . . in particular when managing your child’s behavior.  Be aware of what can cause your child to want to misbehave.  Then attempt to overcome them. Here are four reasons why your child might be misbehaving.

1.     1)They are not receiving regular or sufficient personal attention, affection and love from you.
2.     2)They are not being listened to.  
      They are not being shown that others understand their feelings or care about their adversities. 
3.   3)  They don’t feel they have choices or control over their lives.
4.     They feel that you have hurt them in an unfair way.

Excerpt from Discipline without Disrespecting Quick Tip Guide.

Friday, June 3, 2022

Raising Good Children Through Dua (By: Grandma Jeddah)

Raising Good Children Through Dua

                                    By Grandma Jeddah

One of the best ways to raise a good Muslim child is to make dua to Allah asking Him to make your child righteous. Here are 2 dua from Quran that Allah gives us to make for our children.

Quran-37:100  "O my Lord! Grant me a righteous (son)!"

Quran-14:40  "O my Lord! make me one who establishes regular Prayer, and also (raise such) among my offspring O our Lord! and accept Thou my Prayer."

Learn how to make your home a more peaceful place for both you and your child. Discover over 2 dozen tips on how to manage your child's behavior without hitting or shouting. Read Grandma Jeddah's e-book, Discipline without Disrespecting: Buy her e-book now at:

Creation over Evolution

  • Posts: 2008
  • Gender: Male
Creation vs Evolution
« on: October 30, 2006, 09:05:45 PM »
Peace :),

Recently I received some kind of leaflet on the street from someone who gave it out for free. Apparently it contains arguments that promotes Creation and Intelligent Design. It also calls for its teaching in schools which makes me realize that this is another effort of evangelists.

Anyway here are the arguments:

1) Natural Selection is not evidence of evolution.

2) Bacteria can only make bacteria and people can only make people. Changes can occur but within limits. If bacteria gets mutated it is still bacteria.

3) Variations of traits happen all the time within a species, but it is not an evidence of one kind of animal evolves into another kind of animal.

4) Saying changes take millions of years as evidence is blind faith because scientific answers are based on facts and observation, not faith in time.

5) Believing the Universe originated from nothing violates the 1st Law of Thermo which states that "All matter and energy is neither created nor destroyed."

6) Only 23% of the fossils of Lucy, the supposedly ape-like ancestor of human being, was dug out. Moreover, Lucy's fossils are similiar to Pygmy Chimpanzee who can walk upright and are still alive today.

7) Cell Theory and Law of Biogenesis state "Life only comes from life." Therefore the belief that life comes from non-life is against science itself.

8 ) Even Dinosaurs did not evolve because there are no transitional fossils of them ever found. They all appear in the fossil record as 100% dinosaur.

9) The Great Flood (Noah's Flood?) which once drowned the earth under water was the cause of the extinction of dinosaurs. The evidence is that their fossils are found buried in sedimentary rock (Rock deposited by water) on every continent in the world. Plus, fossils of sea life are also found on the top of the highest mountains such as Mt. Everest.

So what is everybody's take on the arguments above? Im ignorant myself regarding science, however Im very interested in the Great Flood Theory.
Retrieved From Discover True Islam Free-Minds

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Tip 5 Managing Your Hyperactive Child (By: Grandma Jeddah)

  Do you have a hyperactive child? 

 Here is a Terrific Tip to help manage your child's behavior
 without hitting or shouting:

Final Tip 5 - Create learning opportunities from misbehavior.
Realize that your son may take longer than your neighbor’s child to attain the attribute of self-control. When he interrupts your conversations with guests, recklessly dashes through the masjid, or shouts at the top of his lungs in the house,  gently explain or show him the appropriate way to behave.

Learn why your child misbehaves and over 2 dozen tips on how to manage your child's behavior without hitting or shouting. Read Grandma Jeddah's e-book, Discipline without Disrespecting: Buy her e-book now at:

Tip #4 Managing Your Hyperactive Child (From: Grandma Jeddah)

  Do you have a hyperactive child? 

 Here is a Terrific Tip to help manage your child's behavior
 without hitting or shouting:

Jewel 4 - Speak in a calm, kind voice.
A quietly kept secret is that speaking in a calm voice rather than a loud agitated one can actually help your son settle down better. Two agitated people will not lead to a calmer environment

Learn why your child misbehaves and over 2 dozen tips on how to manage your child's behavior without hitting or shouting. Read Grandma Jeddah's e-book, Discipline without Disrespecting: Buy her e-book now at:

Mother has problem yelling at kids (By: Grandma Jeddah)

20.  Mother has problem yelling at kids

Truth be told, I need real help. I am a mother of 2. My son is 6 and always talking back. He makes me mad and I yell when he doesn’t listen. Then I tap his back to make him. He is such a good boy when he is told nicely. Yes, I know it’s me . . . but I feel so much stress on my shoulders—housework, the kids screaming.  I’m always told to use the behavior chart—I did that. It never works. My 3-year-old follows whatever my older son tells her to do. And I can’t get my 6-year-old to do his homework. Please tell me where I am going wrong and I will do anything to fix it. Which book would you advise me to buy? I want anything that works.

First, I’d like to say that you are probably doing a better job than you realize. Parenting can truly be challenging at times. None of us is perfect. I sense that you are making much effort in trying to be the best mother you can.

You mentioned that your son responds well when he is spoken to nicely. This suggests that at times you make an effort to manage his behavior in a calmer manner. This is something you can build upon, insha’Allah. Whenever you respond to your son in this manner, think about what the circumstances were that led you to act in this way. Try to create more situations like that so that you can get in the habit of responding to your son in this manner. You can even develop an incentive chart for yourself and reward yourself when you get 10 stars for managing your son’s behavior in a positive way. Then buy yourself something special, watch an interesting documentary, purchase a good book to read, or go somewhere special. Mothers need incentives sometimes, too. (smile)

Likewise, when you notice yourself responding to your son in ways that you dislike, once the situation has passed, think about how and why the situation led you to respond in such a way. Notice what triggers led you to want to respond this way. Let these triggers (child is whining, you didn’t get enough rest the night before, you drank too much caffeine lately, etc.) be your warning signals. Be extra conscious of your behavior at these times. Make a lot of dua asking Allah to help you to maintain your composure; seek refuge in Allah from Shaitan; take a few deep breaths before reacting; retreat to your room. Think of other ways you can calm yourself down before responding to your son. Patience is something that we learn over time and through practice, Insha’Allah.

You mentioned that the star chart system doesn’t work with your son. I would suggest using the behavior chart once again. Often times caregivers aren’t consistent with the system. This can lead to its lack of success. Also, sometimes caregivers neglect other aspects of parenting that must be in place prior to or along with using behavior charts. Some of these prerequisites are ensuring you are giving your child sufficient affection and attention. In addition, make sure you are setting a proper example for your child to model after.
When children see parents reacting with impatience to frustrating situations the children sometimes imitate this manner of coping.

Another important factor is to make sure you affirm your son’s good behavior more often. When we’re angry, we tend to focus more on our child’s improper behavior and disregard their proper conduct.

There could certainly be other factors that can contribute to a star chart system not working as well. These might include a child having severe behavioral problems, but your letter doesn’t seem to suggest this, and Allahu Alim.

You mentioned that house work and day-to-day responsibilities were overwhelming at times. No doubt about it . . .  our daily responsibilities can become burdensome. If your spouse isn’t opposed, perhaps you can allow yourself a break every now and then. What I mean by this is you could minimize the importance of a tidy house, long-cooked meals or whatever else that seems to take up a lot of your time and make you frustrated. Maybe you could use paper plates and cups once a week so you don’t have to wash dishes. You could decide that the house doesn’t have to be properly maintained at all times.

Also, make sure you are taking the time to relax. If you enjoy reading books, writing, crocheting or whatever, be sure to take time to enjoy these things periodically. They help calm your mind and replenish your energy.  And, of course, try listening to or reading Quran regularly. It’s a reminder of what we are here for and an encouragement for us to persevere.

Here are a few links you might find useful. And please continue visiting Grandma Jeddah’s website and blog as I think you will find much information from them that will be helpful for you, insha’Allah. Also, remember to make dua often, asking Allah to help you with your problems.

This is an excerpt from Grandma Jeddah's e-book 67 Discipline Pearls for Your Most Challenging Discipline Problems. Order your copy today at 

Grandma Jeddah is the mother of 11 children and 16 grandchildren. She has taught hundreds of students for over 30 years at an Islamic school in Los Angeles, California. She has written dozens of articles for Muslim magazines, newspapers and blogs.  She is the author of, Discipline without Disrespecting: Discover the Hidden Secrets of How to Effectively Discipline Your Muslim Child--And Keep Your Peace of Mind while at It.  Order her e-books at:

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

How Feminism has Failed our Children (Huffington Post-By: Lydia Lovric))

How Feminism has Failed our Children 
(Huffington Post-By: Lydia Lovric)

"The cold, hard truth about feminism is that while it may have been sold as a great thing for women, it has failed them. It has failed them spectacularly. And it has failed our children too.
Women have been brought up to believe that they have the right to pursue their own goals and dreams without any consideration for those around them.
As a result, we have women having babies who almost immediately hand the child off to a daycare worker or nanny so that they can return to the office in order to feel fulfilled.
Apparently, being a mother and caring for your own child no longer rates as something noble or noteworthy. Being head of HR or selling single-cup hot beverage systems is somehow more important than raising a good child."
Read the entire article here:

Grandma Jeddah is the mother of 11 children and 16 grandchildren. She has taught hundreds of students for over 30 years at an Islamic school in Los Angeles, California. She has written dozens of articles for Muslim magazines, newspapers and blogs.  She is the author of, Discipline without Disrespecting: Discover the Hidden Secrets of How to Effectively Discipline Your Muslim Child--And Keep Your Peace of Mind while at It.  Order her e-books at:

The Story of Lut, an Important Tradition to Convey to our Youth (From:IslamiCity)

 The Story of Prophet Lut: A Remebrance and a Guidance
(Retrieved and excerped  from: IslamiCity)

And (remember) Lut: behold, he said to his people: “Ye do commit lewdness, such as no people in Creation (ever) committed before you. Do ye indeed approach men, and cut off the highway?- and practise wickedness (even) in your councils?” But his people gave no answer but this: they said: “Bring us the Wrath of Allah if thou tellest the truth.” (Surat al-Ankaboot: 28-29)

The people of Lut rejected (his) warning. We sent against them a violent Tornado with showers of stones, (which destroyed them), except Lut's household: them We delivered by early Dawn,-  As a Grace from Us: thus do We reward those who give thanks. And (Lut) did warn them of Our Punishment, but they disputed about the Warning. (Surat al-Qamar:, 33-36)

The city where Lut resided is referred to as Sodom in the Old Testament. Being situated at the north of the Red Sea, this community is understood to have been destroyed just as it is written in the Qur’an. Archaeological studies reveal that the city is located in the area of the Dead Sea which stretches along the Israel-Jordan border. 

We also (sent) Lut: He said to his people: “Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you? For ye practise your lusts on men in preference to women : ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds.” 
And his people gave no answer but this: they said, “Drive them out of your city: these are indeed men who want to be clean and pure!” (Surat al-Araf: 80-82) 

    He said: “O my Lord! help Thou me against people who do mischief!” (Surat al-Ankaboot: 30)
    “O my Lord! deliver me and my family from such things as they do!” (Surat ash-Shuara: 169)
His people detested him because of his showing them the right way, and wanted to banish both him and the other believers beside him. 

When the perversity of the city people reached its fullest extent, Allah saved Lut by means of the angels. In the morning, his people were destroyed by the disaster of which Lut had informed them in advance. 

Thus, Prophet Lut was saved along with the believers and his family with the exception of his wife. As described in the Old Testament, he emigrated with Ibrahim. As for the perverted people, they were destroyed and their dwellings were razed to the ground.

Grandma Jeddah is the mother of 11 children and 16 grandchildren. She has taught hundreds of students for over 30 years at an Islamic school in Los Angeles, California. She has written dozens of parenting articles for Muslim magazines, newspapers and blogs.  She is the author of, Discipline without Disrespecting: Discover the Hidden Secrets of How to Effectively Discipline Your Muslim Child--And Keep Your Peace of Mind while at It.  Buy her e-book now at:

Parenting and Discipline e-Books

You can enjoy reading your parenting e-books by   making payment to Al-Madinah School. Please go to their Home page and click on the donatio...